Sensotech – Steel and Rolling Mills
In the steel production, Sensotech uses the LiquiSonic® measuring technology, which optimizes operations. The reason, briefly, for using this technology is because of the possibility of saving chemicals, such as acids and cooling lubricants, without influencing the surface finish negatively.
We will explain the following processes in this blog: Pickling and Acid Regeneration.
To catch up with us on the other processes, namely, Cold Rolling, Electrogalvinizing, and Roller Chrome Plating, tune in for another blog coming soon.
Pickling baths are used downstream of the hot rolling process, and also in many other fields in the metal-working industry, to remove, passivate, modify, and clean surfaces in a defined manner.
And so, pickling solutions are employed, which consist mainly of a mixture of mineral acids. The concentration of these acids decreases during the pickling process, however the portion of distributing components, such as contaminations and carry-over increases.
The LiquiSonic® Measuring technology provides a solution for online measurements of pickling bath concentrations facilitating redosing of the required quantity of fresh acid. This ensures a continuous optimum pickling bath quality. Delays in time as a result of sampling and lab analyses are avoided.
These are the successful pickling bath applications where LiquiSonic® has been used:
- Sulturic acid (H2SO4)
- Phosphoric acid (H3FO4)
- Hydrochloric acid (HCI)
- Nitric acid (HNO3)
- Hydrofluoric acid (HF)
Acid Regeneration
In this process, the acid is refreshed and removed of all contaminations, such as iron salt. The most popular procedure used is the crystallisation for the recovery of sulturic acid. In addition, the spray roasting or buttering-floating procedure is used, for the recovery of hydrochloric acid.
Before the used pickling acids are cleaned, they are evaporated to concentrate the acid. The acid is then separated, and the cleaned acid is added to the pickling process. The resulting metal oxides are used as valuable raw materials in other industry sectors.
After evaporation, the LiquiSonic® 40 system is used to determine the acid and the metal salt apart from each other. The last part of the process is when the LiquiSonic® 30 system is used to detect the acid concentration solely, as the metal salts have been removed before.
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