Morton Controls

Optimize your processes and save costs with Anderson-Negele turbidity sensors

Morton Controls

Optimize your processes and save costs with Anderson-Negele turbidity sensors

In many applications in the fluid food and beverage industries, turbidity measurement is the most suitable analysis method for differentiating liquids in the process inline.

With the sanitary insertion turbidity meters of the ITM series, processes can be monitored with high precision and controlled in real-time. With two different methods of measurement, Anderson-Negele turbidity sensors offer the appropriate turbidity measurement principle and resolution for every degree of turbidity.

The inline analysis of media based on their turbidity values enables automated, high-precision applications in many production processes and application areas.

These are primarily product differentiation, phase separation, process control, and quality monitoring.

In a variety of production processes and in CIP systems in dairies, breweries, the beverage industry, wine production, juice production, and other food companies, turbidity sensors can measure liquids according to qualitative criteria in real-time and fully automatically.


The ITM-51 enables active automated phase separation instead of passive time or volume control. Saving time and cost in the transition of milk/water resp. of beer/yeast, on the base of inline analysis of the turbidity and active switching of the process.

The benefits: 

– Minimization of resource loss and thus loss of value.

– The filling of tanks with wrong medium is avoided.

– Less cost for waste water treatment.

– Less need for additional laboratory analyses.

– Best possible concentration and constantly high quality of the product such as milk / cream resp. beer / wort.

– Efficient separator control in breweries for uniform quality of unfiltered beer.

– Reduction of product loss from 5% to 3%, and 15% cost reduction due to less waste water treatment.

– Less laboratory analyses necessary, thus less personnel / time requirement and faster reaction to deviations.

– 3.000 l less water consumption in each CIP process. 


The Anderson ITM-4 Turbidity meter offers real-time measurement of turbidity providing critical information for both process function and product quality. The compact integral design makes installation and set-up easy. The ITM-4 offers switching and analog (4-20mA) outputs along with 4 remote selectable ranges to monitor different products on the same process line. The robust design offers lower cost of ownership over many other turbidity meters and provides the performance and durability needed for years of trouble free operation.

Application Examples:

  • Process control of brewing processes 
  • Fresh water control in the beverage industry 
  • Water-/waste water control e.g. in dairys 
  • Quality control 
  • Separator monitoring